Do you ever wonder if your dog will get sick while playing with other dogs? What about if they go to Day Care or to a Kennel?
What many people do not realize is that dogs similar to people can get sick. If they are playing with another dog in any setting, indoor or outdoor, visiting a groomer, day care, kennel, dog park even just walking down the street, or even visiting the vet they can still get sick. Its inevitable that it will happen, and the problem is many people don't realize what to do look for. The most common illness and most contagious in Kennel Cough. We encourage you to read this great article which can explain a little more about it, from the medical professionals! Kennel Cough: An In-depth Look | PetMD
What many people do not realize is that dogs similar to people can get sick. If they are playing with another dog in any setting, indoor or outdoor, visiting a groomer, day care, kennel, dog park even just walking down the street, or even visiting the vet they can still get sick. Its inevitable that it will happen, and the problem is many people don't realize what to do look for. The most common illness and most contagious in Kennel Cough. We encourage you to read this great article which can explain a little more about it, from the medical professionals! Kennel Cough: An In-depth Look | PetMD